So, which photo???? That was hard but my first reaction was something from my childhood. Now, living over here I don’t have many childhood pictures so called my parents who scanned and e-mailed a few over. I knew this was the one as soon as I opened it. I grew up on the west coast of Canada and every summer we would head up the coast in our boat, often staying over night in unbelievably gorgeous locations. I have the best memories from these trips, especially whenever we would stay in Refuge Cove , where that photo is taken. I’m on the boat there playing with ‘Toba’ - he was the resident dog there and would always come running up to our boat when we docked. I LOVED that dog, him and copious amounts of sweets from the little shop there what I looked forward to the most! My brother is in the background there fishing and I’m thinking I’m about 7 or 8 here, making this around 1980/1981? It was fun thinking of which photo to use and looking at old pics – thanks for thinking of me for this one Mangocheeks!!

"List 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, and tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day. For those 10 bloggers who get the award, you must link back to my blog!"
So, better late than never ;) he is mine:
1. Going ‘home’ to Canada for holidays – last time was 3 years ago, don’t get to go often so it’s a treasure when we do!
2. Walking my son to school – it’s a half hour walk and just a nice quiet time with him to chat.
3. Reading new books by my favourite authors – Douglas Coupland, Banana Yoshimoto, Margaret Atwood, Wally Lamb, Miriam Toews
4. Cooking and Baking – obviously!!
5. A slice of cake and a cup of coffee – simply the best!
6. Being with friends.
7. Eating out in restaurants – either vegan or with fantastic vegan options.
8.Opening a nice bottle of red and staying in watching a movie with the husband.
9. Road Trips – still love them!
10. Photos – not taking them, something I consider a necessary evil being a food blogger, but looking at others photos, receiving them in e-mails etc… I love photos :)
So I hope you all didn't mind this slight distraction from recipes, I actually quite enjoyed it, and hope you all got to know me a bit better :) Thanks again to Mangocheeks, Stephanie and my folks for sending me the photos!! Back in a bit with my nominations :)
Thank you so much for participating Debbie.
ReplyDeleteI love your choice of photo. It made me smile that you got your parents to scan and e mail it to you. I understand why. I enjoyed reading your memories behind the photograph too.
I hope you get some energy to get back in the kitchen and create some culinary delights. Simple or complicated, I am always impressed and inspired.
Cheers mangocheeks! and thanks so much for thinking of me :)