As Seen In...

Vegetarian Living Magazine, December 2014

The Irish Examiner, November 12th, 2011 - The Alternative Christmas Dinner by Sharon Ni Conchuir who blogs at Foodie Fancies

Click on picture to see larger ♥ 
(To read the full article just click on the Examiner link above)

The Irish Times, November 5th, 2011 - Food File by Marie-Claire Digby:

Click on picture to see larger

The Irish Independent, July 16th, 2011 - Naughty or Nice by Aoife Barry and Aoife McElwain 

Click on picture to see larger

Easy Vegetarian Foods From Around the World by Sheila Griffin Llanas, Enslow Publishers

 Page 38 features my photo for Newfoundland Pea Soup with Doughboys and a variation on my recipe.

Craft projects for Minecraft and Pixel Art Fans by Choly Knight features my Minecraft Cake:


  1. I cannot tellyou how delighted I am for you. You know I have been an admirer of your blog since I discovered it way back. You deserve the recognition and the awards. Well done my dear blogger friend. x

  2. Thanks so much Shaheen!! I really appreciate all the support...and thanks again for coming up with "...all vegan things nice!" You're a star!! :-)

  3. your recipes are amazing.......... and best regards :)

  4. Replies
    1. Your welcome! Thanks so much for the comment :-)

  5. I just discovered your blog and I'm so amused and interested in it! I want to try, cook and eat everything in here. :P
    (Greetings from Estonia)

    1. Hello to Estonia!! :-) So glad you found my blog, hope you find some recipes you like! ♥

  6. Just discovered you blog, and glad I did! Fab recipes - can't wait to try the cheeses. Gratitude from the US! =)

    1. Welcome Beverly!! So glad you are here and I hope you like the cheeses :-) Thanks for the comment!
